Centre for Healthcare Innovation

The Centre for Healthcare Innovation (CHI) Co-Learning Network was launched in October 2016 and currently has thirty-seven (37) local and international partners from Academia, Strategic Agencies, Healthcare Clusters, Community Partners and Industry Knowledge Partners. CHI is hosted by Tan Tock Seng Hospital, and have adopted the following three (3) strategic thrusts going forward in 2022:

-To promote a culture of innovation – By creating thought leadership; via focused partnerships and a flywheel of co-learning networks
-To achieve better health and healthcare – By enabling workforce transformation; via new andragogy and paradigms for our communities of carers and patients
-To catalyse value-based outcomes – By effecting systems-level change; via impactful programmes that drive innovation adoption and knowledge translation


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  • Lee Kong Chian School of
    Clinical Sciences Building
    11 Mandalay Road #16-01
    Singapore 308232

  • +65 6904 1401
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co11ab Novena (co11ab) is a Bio MedTech incubator – forged through a tripartite alliance between Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore), Agency for Science, Technology, and Research (A*STAR), and National Healthcare Group (NHG) – which aims to nurture and support the translational development of biomedical technologies. Our key focus areas are biotech, medtech and digital health.