Prof Benjamin SEET
Group Chairman Medical Board (Research), National Healthcare Group
Ben Seet is the Group Chairman Medical Board (Research) and Co-chair, Academic Partnership Office for the National Healthcare Group. He is an Adjunct Professor and serves on the Governing Board of the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine. Ben currently chairs or is a member of the governing board or steering committee of a number of research institutes, as well as various organisations in the public and private sectors. Of note, he co-chairs the Experimental Drug Discovery Centre (EDDC); is deputy chair of the PrepVax programme; and played a founding role in setting up the Skin Research Institute of Singapore (SRIS), Rehabilitation Research Institute of Singapore (RRIS), and the Asian Centre for Health Behavioural Insights and Interventions (HABITS). He was formerly Executive Director of the Biomedical Research Council at A*STAR, prior to which he held senior leadership appointments in the Singapore Armed Forces and United Nations.
Steering Committee
Irene CHEONG (Chairperson)
Senior Executive Director,
Innovation & Enterprise, A*STAR
A/Prof Yen CHOO
Executive Director, co11ab,
NTU Singapore
Prof TAN Sze Wee
Assistant Chief Executive, Biomedical Research Council (BMRC) and Senior Advisor, Innovation and Enterprise (I&E) Group, A*STAR
A/Prof Steven THNG
Clinical Director,
Translational Research Office,
National Healthcare Group
David TOH
Chief Executive Officer, NTUitive,
NTU Singapore